HomeBotanicals Magical Coconut Oil

Magical Coconut Oil

Recipe by: Tom on
Posted in : Botanicals, Medicinal Remedies, Oils

14-28g Decarboxylated Botanicals, per cup of Oil used and 2-5 cups Refined Coconut Oil


  1. Place all of the ingredients into the Magical Butter machine and secure the lid.
  2. Set your temperature to 160°F and then press the 2 HOUR button.
  3. After the cycle is complete, unplug the unit and remove the head of the appliance.
  4. Pour the contents of the machine through the Magical Filter Press or Magical Filter Bag to strain out the leftover plant matter.
  5. Pour directly into your Magical Butter Tray, formed mold’s, or other storage container and set in the fridge.

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