Eating Bugs is BAD MmKay

Posted in : Toxins
Tags: BAD HEALTH, Cancer, Cretin, Insects
Main Stream Media and Sources will have you believe that eating insects such as crickets, grasshoppers and other invertebrate insects are healthy, but the BAD NEWS IS, they are not good for you at all!!!
The CHITIN with in the insects shell that makes up the compounds for the insects skeletal system is TOXIC to humans. Our stomach is not capable of breaking down this compound which will travel through your body’s system and will be stored and then, it will cause all sorts of issues for you. These repositories of CHITIN will and have been known to cause cancers and many, many other problems to the human body.
Don’t just think that the flavours (BBQ, Salt & Vinegar, Chicken, ETC) they add to the Insect products that they sell you, seems yummy, it’s still TOXIC and will, WILL, cause you harm! No matter how good they taste…
Stop thinking of the flavour and think about your health from the ingredients. Just because it tastes good, does not mean it is good for you. In fact research and latest studies suggest that flavour is a neglect of health and only a result of health harm.
Research and searches have now changed online. I have been researching CHITIN since June 2022 and sometime during August, all the info on Google has been changed. I mean all of the info now suggests that CHITIN is awesome for you with NO side effects at all. WHAT!
Talk about book and information burning.
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These insects are now being offered to our children in schools in Australia, with flavours to fool people into thinking they are good, like BBQ and Chicken & Chive, etc.