HomeHerbs Coriander


Recipe by: Tom on
Posted in : Herbs, Nutrition

Nutritional Values of Coriander

#1 Coriander Leaves

The nutritional value of 100 grams of coriander leaves is as follows:

  • Calories – 31.07
  • Carbohydrate – 1.93 g
  • Protein – 3.52 g
  • Water – 86.99 g
  • Fat – 0.70 g
  • Fibre – 4.66 g


  • Vitamin C – 135 mg
  • Vitamin A – 6918 mcg


  • Phosphorous – 71 mg
  • Iron – 1.42 mg
  • Calcium – 184 mg
  • Magnesium – 31 mg
  • Sodium – 58.3 mg
  • Potassium – 256 mg
  • Sulphur – 49 mg
  • Chlorine – 43 mg

#2 Coriander Seeds 

The nutritional value of 100 grams of coriander seeds is as follows:

  • Calories – 268.88
  • Carbohydrate – 12.98 g
  • Protein – 10.66 g
  • Water – 8.72 g
  • Fat – 17.47 g
  • Fibre – 44.81 g


  • Vitamin A – 942 mcg


  • Phosphorous – 393 mg
  • Iron – 7.1 mg
  • Calcium – 630 mg
  • Magnesium – 239 mg
  • Sodium – 32 mg
  • Potassium – 990 mg
  • Zinc – 3.26 mg
  • Choline – 1077 mg
  • Folic acid – 32 mcg

Health Benefits of Coriander

1. Weight Loss

Coriander has quercetin which increases your body’s metabolism. Metabolism is the standard functioning capacity of your body. When metabolism increases, it aids in weight loss. In contrast, it results in weight gain when it decreases. 

Coriander works as a detoxifying agent, which helps flush out the toxins from our bodies. Flushing away toxins enables you to increase metabolism, which allows you to lose weight.

The fibre content in coriander is high, giving you a feeling of fullness for a longer time. Therefore, this avoids unnecessary snacking and helps in weight loss.

2. Fights Cancer

Oxidative stress is the primary cause of free radical production in the body. These free radicals multiply, interact with the cells in the body and turn them into cancer cells. A group of these cancer cells form into a tumour, which results in cancer.

Antioxidants in coriander help fight cancer by reducing oxidative stress. Intake of antioxidants prevents the normal regular cells from turning into cancer cells. Hence it protects the body from cancer. Several studies prove the claim.

3. Relieves Pain and Inflammation

Inflammation is a result of oxidative stress. Polyphenol compounds in coriander reduce oxidative stress. As a result, it reduces inflammation.Several studies prove the anti-inflammatory properties of coriander.

Since ancient times, people made a drink by simmering coriander seeds in boiling water. It is a very healthy drink. You can keep it overnight to treat cough, cold, pain and inflammatory diseases like arthritis. This concoction is a popular home remedy even for headaches, mouth ulcers etc.

4. Beneficial for Skin and Hair

Sun’s harmful UV rays damage the skin to a great extent. Ultraviolet radiation cause photodamage to the skin. In addition, it leads to various chronic alterations in the skin structure. As a result, you may experience skin issues like wrinkles, premature ageing, acne, blemishes, patches etc. 

Skin wrinkles are associated with collagen synthesis in the skin. Collagen is responsible for younger-looking skin. It is a protein that ensures elasticity in the skin. It comprises 1/3rd of the protein in our body. As we age, the collagen in the body breaks down, and it gets harder for our body to synthesise collagen.

Coriander has linoleic acid, which helps synthesise collagen in your body. A study proves that coriander effectively synthesises collagen.

Apart from skin, coriander is responsible for healthy hair. Coriander strengthens the hair. It is rich in vitamins like K, C and A. These are very important for hair growth and strength.

5. Memory Boosting and Mood Enhancement

Alzheimer’s disease is a rapidly growing degenerative condition. It is a common cause of dementia which is progressive memory loss. Mood swings also occur with age, and the advancement of other degenerative diseases arise. With age, the synapse activity slows down. Prevention of acetylcholine activity helps in memory boost by regulating the human body’s synapse. Coriander plays a role by preventing the breakdown of acetylcholine in the body.

Coriander contains Linaloolhas, a pigment that reduces GABA levels in the body. GABA levels are high when you are upset. In addition, Linalool has an anxiolytic activity that enhances mood. 

Coriander also contains potassium, which elevates mood and reduces depression. In addition, potassium reduces cortisol which is a stress hormone. In addition, research proves that coriander and its components help improve mood.

6. Antimicrobial and Antifungal

Coriander oil helps preserve the longer shelf life of products. It destroys potential bacteria and fungus. Its action in the membrane damages bacteria and yeast. As a result, it protects the food products and keeps them healthy. In addition, it regulates cholesterol and liver function. 

Adding coriander to your diet helps regulate and improve lipid metabolism. In addition, it improves heart health by lowering bad cholesterol (Low-density lipoprotein, LDL). It also increases good cholesterol (High-density lipoprotein, HDL).

Studies prove that coriander reduces the incidence of gall stones. In addition, coriander helps regulate bile synthesis in the body. Hence, it regulates liver function, gall bladder and common bile duct.

7. Improves Digestion and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Satiety and hunger cycle disorders are pervasive amongst people trying to lose weight without seeing anticipated results. Coriander regulates digestive hormones ghrelin (hunger hormone) and leptin (satiety hormone).

Irregular dietary pattern without any routine is a major cause of irritable bowel syndrome. It improves the dietary pattern by regulating the hormone regulations, preventing irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, coriander is rich in fibre.

It leads to smooth peristalsis and easing in constipation. Therefore, coriander ultimately improves digestion.

8. Reduces Blood Glucose

Coriander has anti-diabetic qualities. Therefore, it increases insulin secretion and sensitivity. Another quality is that it is low in GI and high in fibre. 

In addition, studies show that coriander reduces hyperglycemia, which means it prevents blood glucose level spikes.

9. Enhances Vision

Coriander has high levels of vitamin A. Vitamin A is also known as the vitamin for the eye, enhancing eye vision. It plays a significant role in maintaining a clear eye cornea. The cornea is the outermost covering of your eye. Rhodopsin, a component in this vitamin, is a protein that helps you to see in low light.

The deficiency of this vitamin is called night–blindness. In addition, several studies prove that a vitamin A-rich diet prevents cataracts and macular degeneration of the eye. These two eye conditions are degenerative and age-related.

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